Cycle Superhighway CS9 Kensington Olympia to Brentford town centre
TfL says:
In close consultation with our partners the London Borough of Hounslow and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, we are seeking your views on proposals to transform roads in west Kensington, Hammersmith, Chiswick and Brentford town centre to make cycling and walking easier, safer, and more appealing.
Cycle Superhighway 9 (CS9) would provide improvements for all road users and communities on the alignment, offering a clearer and safer route for people to cycle in west London, making it easier to cross busy roads and removing through traffic on some residential roads. Changing the layout of many of the roads along the CS9 route would create a more appealing environment for everyone to enjoy.
CS9 would form part of an emerging network of Cycle Superhighways. These are an important part of the Mayor's draft Transport Strategy and Healthy Streets Approach, which aim to encourage walking, cycling and using public transport, and make London greener, healthier and more pleasant.
Transforming road layouts is not without impacts, and there are difficult choices to be made in determining the layout for roads on the alignment. For example, our proposed changes would affect travel times through the area for many people.
We want to hear your views on these proposals during this public consultation. We are actively reviewing ways in which we could change the design and optimise the way roads would operate, and we will consider views submitted during the consultation period.
The proposed changes between Kensington Olympia and Brentford town centre include:
Two-way segregated cycle track on Hammersmith Road, King Street and Chiswick High Road
Five new signal-controlled pedestrian crossings and over 20 upgraded pedestrian crossings
Reducing through traffic and rat-running in residential roads by restricting access to the South Circular from Wellesley Road and Stile Hall Gardens for motor vehicles, making these streets more appealing places to walk and cycle
Stepped cycle tracks (at a lower height than the footway) in each direction on Brentford High Street; eastbound stepped track on Kew Bridge Road, westbound cycle path through Waterman’s Park
Changes to bus stop locations and layouts, including new bus stop bypasses for cyclists
Changes to parking and loading bays and hours of operation
Where would Cycle Superhighway 9 go?
This section of CS9 would provide a continuous, largely-segregated route between Kensington Olympia and Brentford town centre, via Hammersmith and Chiswick.
High volumes of cyclists currently use eastern sections of the proposed CS9 route where there are no protected facilities for them, and many journeys currently made in the area via less active modes could be made by foot or by bike.
The route would connect with Russell Road at the eastern extent, where a Quietway cycle route may be installed in future. It would also connect to a proposed Quietway cycle route off King Street in the vicinity of St Peter’s Garden, providing upgraded walking and cycling connections between Hammersmith and Twickenham along the A316. Consultation on these proposals would take place next year. Click here for more information on Quietways. At the western extent, the current proposals would facilitate safe access for cyclists back into the carriageway before the junction with Dock Road.
We are working closely with the London Borough of Hounslow to develop proposals to extend CS9 further west through Brentford and towards Hounslow. We expect to hold a public consultation on this section in late 2018.
Why are we proposing this?
Cycle Superhighway 9 is designed to help us meet the target set out in the Mayor's draft Transport Strategy of changing the way people choose to travel so that 80% of all London trips are made by foot, bicycle or public transport by 2041, up from 64% today.
Over 3000 trips are already being made daily by people who cycle on some of the streets where improvements are proposed. In addition, areas of this route in Chiswick, Hammersmith and Kensington Olympia have some of the highest concentration of pedestrians in the city. Along the A205 South Circular section of CS9 by Kew Bridge Station, cycling is up nearly six fold and all motor traffic is down by over 20% since 2000. Across London, there are now more than 670,000 cycle trips a day, an increase of over 130 per cent since 2000, making cycling a major mode of transport in the capital.
Improving safety for people who want to walk and cycle
CS9 would provide a clearer and safer route for cycling in west London, largely separated from other vehicles. This alignment provides a direct route in the heart of town centres in west London, with good connectivity to other local roads.
Roads on the alignment are currently dominated by motor traffic and can be intimidating and unpleasant places to walk and cycle. Walking and cycling are the healthiest and most sustainable ways to travel, either for whole trips or as part of longer journeys on public transport.
By giving people space and time to cycle through the area more easily, and by providing improved crossing facilities for pedestrians, we can encourage more people to use these healthy and sustainable forms of transport while keeping other traffic moving. These improvements would help to make these streets work better for walking, cycling and public transport, so both individuals and the community as a whole can benefit.
Facilitating and encouraging active travel in west London
We want to make it easier for people in west London to use sustainable travel and lead active lifestyles. We also want to make the streets on the CS9 alignment healthier, safer and more welcoming places for everyone. The proposals form part of the Mayor of London’s plan for Healthy Streets a long-term vision to encourage more Londoners to walk and cycle by making London’s streets healthier, safer and more welcoming.
Currently, only 34% of Londoners take 20 minutes of physical activity on any given day. The new cycle facilities would help to encourage people to use active modes of transport, which could achieve significant health benefits. The proposals aim to encourage people who would like to cycle, but currently feel unable to do so.
A network of Cycle Superhighways exists in north, south and east London, but none in west London. Our proposals would bring a high-quality cycle facility to west London, linking town centres in Hammersmith, Chiswick and Brentford. Data from existing Cycle Superhighways suggest the new route would also draw cyclists away from other routes that are less suitable for them. The introduction of the East-West and North-South Cycle Superhighways in central London has seen significant increases in cycling as a mode of transport
Connecting and improving town centres
Our proposals would help connect town centres from Kensington Olympia through Hammersmith, Chiswick and Brentford, linking important amenities and facilities in the heart of these town centres, and making them more pleasant places to live, work, shop and spend time.
To make it easier to cross busy roads here, we would install five new pedestrian crossings and upgrade over 20 others. We would also install new seating areas to provide space for people to stop, rest and spend time in these town centres. This would be supported by other improvements to the street environment, including new trees. As well as enabling more Londoners to walk and cycle more often, these proposals would help to create more welcoming and inclusive streets.
When would we build Cycle Superhighway 9?
Subject to the outcome of this consultation, any subsequent follow-up consultations and approvals from partner boroughs, we intend to commence construction on Cycle Superhighway 9 from Kensington Olympia to Brentford town centre in late 2018, and carry out further consultation on the detailed proposals from Brentford to Hounslow in late 2018.
We would plan construction carefully to minimise disruption to those who live, work and travel through the areas. As part of this planning, we would coordinate closely with other construction works in the area, and consider alternative ways of working including advance works, weekends and evenings.
We would also carry out an extensive communications and engagement campaign to ensure residents, businesses and others travelling through the works areas have the information they need to plan ahead and adapt their travel arrangements where necessary, reducing any impact on their journeys and operations during the construction period.
How would Cycle Superhighway 9 affect journey times?
We have carried out detailed traffic modelling on the proposals for Cycle Superhighway 9, to understand how our proposals might affect journey times for general traffic, buses, cyclists and pedestrians.
Despite the sophistication of our traffic models, all traffic modelling is only ever indicative; it is intended to give an idea of where the impacts of changes in journeys are most likely to be felt. It assumes that drivers have perfect knowledge of the network and will always choose the quickest route available.
Traffic modelling has been carried out to study the traffic impacts of the scheme at the busiest times of the day, and results are presented for both the morning and evening peak hours. TfL would actively monitor and manage the road network following implementation to ensure impacts were balanced.
To understand the impacts, we have assessed how London's roads would operate in 2021, considering population growth, committed developments and other road improvements including the scheme at Hammersmith Gyratory as consulted (details of this scheme are available here). We then test how London's roads would operate in 2021 with the changes proposed as part of the scheme. This allows us to isolate the predicted impacts of CS9 from other changes which are not part of this consultation.
Changes to parking and loading
Our proposals include changes to parking and loading bays and their hours of operation across the proposed route. We will contact premises which we think could be affected during the consultation period. If you think the proposals could affect you or your business, please contact us to let us know. We encourage you to discuss these proposals with your suppliers.
Environmental impacts
Although not a traffic generating scheme, our proposals would change how traffic moves around the area, which may result in some associated and localised changes to air quality and noise levels. Environmental surveys and modelling would take place as part of our ongoing evaluation of these proposals.
Our proposals aim to improve the quality of life in the area by:
Reducing the dominance of traffic, allowing people to better enjoy the area
Improving pedestrian crossings and cycle facilities, to encourage people to walk and cycle through the area
Protecting bus journey times, to encourage people to use public transport
We will be carrying-out environmental evaluation and environmental modelling to help our evaluation of the proposals
Air pollution is one of the most significant challenges facing London, affecting the health of all Londoners. As part of the plans for new measures to tackle London’s current poor air quality, we are consulting on proposals to bring forward the introduction of the London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).
A number of other schemes to improve London's air quality are planned including taking steps to reduce air pollution from our bus fleet, reducing emissions from taxis and private hire vehicles, setting up five ‘Low Emission Neighbourhoods’ and expanding the electric vehicle charging network, making it simpler to use. We are investing to make London’s streets healthy, safe and attractive places to walk and cycle. Enabling more journeys to be made on foot or by bike can help reduce private vehicle use and associated emissions. See here for more information on how we are creating Healthy Streets.
How TfL fulfils its obligations under the Equality Act 2010
We are subject to the general public sector equality duty set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, which requires us to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations by reference to people with protected characteristics. The protected characteristics are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. As part of our decision-making process on the proposals for Cycle Superhighways, we have had due regard to any impacts on those with protected characteristics and the need to ensure that their interests are taken into account.
In considering the design of our streets, we closely consider the needs of all users throughout the design process. On significant infrastructure projects, such as Cycle Superhighways, we:
Complete Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs) at the outset of the project, to review potential impacts on equality target groups, including disabled people
Carry out public consultations, including targeted engagement with specific users such as (among many others): Royal National Institute of Blind People, Guide Dogs, Age UK, Transport for All, and National Autistic Society
Ensure we comply with established guidance – such as the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges – which includes detailed requirements for disabled people
The EQIA completed for CS9 shows positive impacts for black and ethnic minority groups, females, disabled cyclists, and cyclists under 25 and over 65 years of age. Positive impacts have also been identified for disabled pedestrians, as the scheme involves a number of improvements to pedestrian facilities including enhanced crossing facilities, increased footway widths and new pedestrian crossings.
Some negative impacts have been identified where footways are cut back or shared use footway is introduced. However the minimum 2 metre standard for footway widths has been maintained to allow two wheelchair users to pass safely, or up to 3 metre footway widths in areas of shared use footway. Kerb-protected cycle facilities, which lead to positive impacts for people with protected characteristics when they are cycling, work most effectively when they feature bus stop bypasses. Bus stop bypasses and their impacts are described below.
Crossing cycle tracks on Cycle Superhighway 9 - a guide for disabled users
How do I cross cycle tracks?
All crossings of cycle tracks would be on one level, with step-free access from one footway to another and clearly marked out with tactile paving.
At road junctions with traffic lights
Some junctions would have a “formal” signalised crossing point across both road and cycle track - marked with contrasting blister tactile paving that extends in a ‘tail’ to the back of the footway. Here:
cyclists are held at a red light
pedestrians cross both road and cycle track at the same time as there would typically be no waiting area between road and cycle track
this crossing would be marked using contrasting blister tactile paving with a tactile tail extending to the back of the footway and dropped kerbs
audible signals and a pedestrian countdown would be used where feasible, and
all push button units would have a tactile rotating cone.
Other junctions would have an “informal” crossing point – where the road crossing may be signalised but the cycle track is not. Here:
the signalised road crossing would be marked with red tactile paving and a tactile ‘tail’ extending to the back of the footway
the cycle track crossing would be marked by contrasting blister tactile paving without a ‘tail’
there would be a waiting area to between the cycle track and the road at least 2.5m wide and free of intrusive street furniture to ensure space for a wheelchair to turn.
At signalised (green man) road crossings
All proposed crossings would be fully signal-controlled - with a green man. All existing zebra crossings of the main road would be converted to signal-controlled crossings.
Some junctions would have a signalised crossing point across both road and cycle track - marked using red tactile paving with a tactile ‘tail’ extending to the back of the footway. Here
cyclists are held at a red light
pedestrians cross both road and cycle track at the same time as there would typically be no waiting area between road and cycle track
At other junctions, there would be an “informal” crossing point – where the main road crossing is signalised but the cycle track crossing is not. Here:
the main road crossing would be marked with red tactile paving and a tactile ‘tail’ extending to the back of the footway
the cycle track crossing would be marked by yellow tactile paving with no ‘tail’
there would be a waiting area between the cycle track and the road at least 2.4m wide
At road crossings that are not signal-controlled
Most crossings without signals would be removed or converted to signal-controlled.
Where an un-signalised crossing remains (e.g. on King Street by Ravenscourt Park), the cycle track crossing point would not be signalised either. It would be marked with contrasting blister tactile paving with no ‘tail’ and a waiting area of at least 2.5m would be provided between road and cycle track.
How do I get in or out of a car/taxi?
In a marked bay next to the cycle track
Marked parking bays would be provided next to the cycle track. A buffer of at least 0.5 metres between the bay and the track will run flush along the length of the bay. Vehicles with side ramps could deploy them into the cycle track. Same level-access would be provided between the cycle track and footway. Disabled users would be permitted to park in loading bays in:
London Borough of Hounslow
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham
on the Transport for London Road Network.
Not in a marked bay next to the cycle track
Marked bays would be the best places to stop and get in or out of a vehicle in safety and comfort along Cycle Superhighway 9. Space for general traffic would be reduced to a single lane in each direction in some places and all single yellow lines would be replaced with “no waiting or loading at any time” restrictions. Also the kerbed islands between the cycle track and the road, varying in width from 0.5 metres to 2.5 metres, are generally not wide enough for vehicles to deploy ramps onto the island itself.
How do I get on and off a bus at a stop next to the cycle track?
“Bus stop bypasses” would be provided. Here, the cycle track continues behind the bus stop at carriageway level, providing continuous segregation from motor traffic for people cycling. Bus passengers access a waiting area by crossing the cycle track using a raised, marked crossing point. The waiting area would be at least 2.5 metres wide. Pedestrians would cross the cycle track at raised, marked crossing points to continue their journey. The footway also continues behind the cycle track.
The bus stop flag would be situated at the left of the crossing point to make the stop easier to find. Kerbs would be high enough (125-140millimetres) to ensure TfL buses can deploy ramps onto the island.
Our research has found that bus stop bypasses are safe for all road users, including bus passengers. Routing cycle traffic away from the road is an effective way to create safe, attractive cycling facilities along bus routes. The risk of conflict between cycles and pedestrians has been found to be very low, while providing a dedicated crossing point for bus passengers and design features that encourage slower cycling help to make the bus stop area more comfortable for everyone to use.
Bus stop bypasses are used across Europe and there are a number of examples in operation or planned across the UK, including in Brighton, Manchester and Cambridge, as well as in London. We introduced some bus stop bypasses on the Cycle Superhighway 2 (CS2) extension between Bow and Stratford in autumn 2013, and across other Cycle Superhighways in 2015-16. We monitor the entire Cycle Superhighway network to ensure it is operating safely and effectively. This includes more than 50 bus stop bypasses across the capital. We are satisfied bus stop bypasses are safe for all road users.
We are continuing to engage with accessibility and cycling groups and carry out additional research into the type and layout of pedestrian crossings at bus stop bypasses. We have a dedicated working group overseeing on-street trialling of the use of zebra crossings over cycle tracks at bus stop bypasses. This group includes representatives from Transport for All, the Royal National Institute of Blind People, Guide Dogs, Age UK London, London TravelWatch, Cycling Embassy of Great Britain, Living Streets, the London Cycling Campaign and Cycling UK. We will incorporate findings of these further investigations, including the outcomes of discussions about the trial with the working group, into final proposals for CS4.
At five bus stops on Brentford High Street where space is limited and expected cycle flows are lower, the footway and waiting area would be combined and all pedestrians would cross the cycle track at raised, marked crossing points at each end of the island to continue their journey via the waiting area island. The combined footway and waiting area would be a minimum of 2.5 metres wide, to ensure bus stop accessibility is maintained.
Tactile paving
We would use tactile paving on all crossings and traffic islands along the CS9 route. Tactile paving would be designed according to Department for Transport guidance. We would apply local standards used by our partner boroughs.
Accessibility for cyclists with disabilities
CS9 would be suitable for use by disabled cyclists using adapted bicycles, such as hand cycles and tricycles. The designs adhere as closely as possible to the principles for inclusive cycling set out in our London Cycling Design Standards. Cycle tracks on CS9 would be as wide as possible and a smooth riding surface would be provided, with the entire cycle route to be resurfaced.
How do previous proposals relate to Cycle Superhighway 9?
Previous consultations on measures to improve some of these streets have already taken place.
Hammersmith Gyratory
In January 2017, TfL approved proposals to create dedicated space for cyclists on the northern side of Hammersmith gyratory with the support of Hammersmith & Fulham Council. For more information on the Hammersmith gyratory consultation that took place in spring 2016, please click here.
Our proposals for CS9 would enhance the benefits provided by this scheme by extending the two-way cycle track on King Street to ensure cyclists do not have to mix with general traffic when travelling westbound through the area.
We have listened to residents’ concerns over the reduction in capacity for general traffic on Beadon Road. We have updated our proposal here to ensure traffic can flow more freely through the junction with Hammersmith Grove. We would do this by signalising the junction of Beadon Road and Hammersmith Grove. Currently, vehicles exiting Hammersmith Grove and pedestrians crossing Beadon Road are uncontrolled. This can constrain the amount of traffic on Beadon Road that can flow into Hammersmith Gyratory. Controlling these movements with traffic signals would increase capacity for general traffic on Beadon Road which is the principal route for through traffic here.
This revised design would also allow us to provide a new signal-controlled pedestrian crossing over Beadon Road on the western arm of the junction, which would accommodate growth from surrounding developments. This would also provide enough time for vehicles making local trips to exit Hammersmith Grove and join Beadon Road.
In addition, no new bus lane is proposed on Beadon Road in this design. This means more space for general traffic is retained for approximately 170 metres where bus lane had previously been proposed, but results in longer journeys for people travelling by bus. We will continue to look for ways to minimise or remove increases to bus journey times as much as possible. Click [here] for detailed traffic impacts of the proposals, including a comparison with the consulted scheme at Hammersmith Gyratory.
We remain committed to delivering improvements at Hammersmith Gyratory. Subject to the outcome of this consultation, we would look to deliver these improvements as part of CS9. We intend to start construction of all improvements in Hammersmith Gyratory in late 2018, subject to the outcome of this consultation, any subsequent follow-up consultations and agreeing proposals with partner boroughs.
Wellesley Road (traffic reduction)
In summer 2016, the London Borough of Hounslow carried out a survey on traffic issues with residents and businesses in the Wellesley Road and Stile Hall Gardens area. The responses received indicated high levels of concern at the volume of through traffic – 73% responded that there is too much non-residential traffic in the area - and the impact of this on several issues including road safety, attractiveness of the road for walking and cycling and pollution.
In late 2016, LB Hounslow consulted on proposals to reduce through traffic in the area. The majority of respondents (55%) were in favour of a closure/no entry to restrict access, and closing access to the South Circular from Wellesley Road and Stile Hall Gardens was the favoured change option (48%, or 87% of all responses in favour of change).
These measures would reduce traffic on roads through the area, including Wellesley Road, Stile Hall Gardens and Heathfield Terrace. According to surveys carried out in summer 2016, up to 75% of vehicles travelling through this residential area is non-residential through traffic. Reducing traffic volumes on these roads would reduce congestion at peak periods, improve access for residents, make it easier for pedestrians to cross these roads and significantly improve conditions for cyclists using them.
A3320 Warwick Road Safety Scheme
In 2016, TfL consulted on proposals to improve pedestrian and cycling facilities around the junction of Kensington High Street with Warwick Road and Addison Road. These improvements are unaffected by CS9 proposals, and we intend to implement them early next year.