ECC 1 - Serious safety issues at junction A105 / Green Dragon Lane
A105 Junction Green Dragon lane
Serious safety issue due to low visability of cycle lane and wide sweeping junction allowing drivers to turn at speed. The danger areas are one of the two lanes of traffic exiting GDL not giving way to bikes, or a left hook by drivers turning into GDL (cyclists will not have seen driver signaling from behind).
This junction should always have been either a) signalised or b) low-traffic neighbourhood treatment given to Green Dragon Lane and area to reduce traffic volume on GDL.
We suggest:
1) reducing GDL to two lanes only;
2) removing ped island;
3) adding reclaimed space to footway to make carriageway narrower to cross;
4) set back cycle lane one car's length before the junction, as for eg Park Ave treatment.