Safer Junctions - Clapham Road and Union Road and Clapham Road and Stirling Road
In the last three years, there were 23 collisions at this junction, 18 of which were people cycling. (Data available up to 30 September 2018).
A number of issues have been identified with the current junction layout:
- Difficult for road users to turn right from A3 Clapham Road into Union Road. People making this turn are allowed to proceed at the same time as the A3 northbound traffic is moving, leading to right-turning drivers seeking short gaps in the traffic and turning impatiently or without enough care. People cycling northbound nearer the kerb may be hidden by other vehicles, increasing the risk of them being struck.
- Northbound cyclists vulnerable to left-turning traffic. There are a lot of cyclists heading north into central London in the morning peak. Drivers turning left into Union Road have to cross this flow of cyclists.
- Advanced stop lines (ASL) for cyclists at the junction are too small. The number of cyclists using the junction at peak times means the ASL boxes can not safely protect everyone cycling, particularly people cycling northbound along Clapham Road in the morning peak.
- Poor junction alignment with Stirling Road. Many vehicles turn right from Stirling Road onto the A3 and then turn left into Union Road, cutting across two lanes of traffic including cyclists.